
Make an Todo List iOS app with these API

Here is the screenshot of the same old Todo List app:

First you need to setup a command to generate the iOS/Cocoa SDK code from Go API defination

hypermusk -pkg=github.com/hypermusk/todoapp/todoapi -lang=objc -outdir=./ios/HyperMuskTodo/HyperMuskTodo/

Then you need to add the generated Todoapi.h and Todoapi.m to the Xcode project.

Then it's ready to use, again, setup the server API request end point first so that the client can make correct request:

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    [[Todoapi get] setBaseURL:@"http://localhost:9000/api"];
    [[Todoapi get] setVerbose:YES];
    AppService *appService = [AppService alloc];
    userService = [appService GetUserService:@"admin@example.com" password:@"nimda"];

    UserServiceGetTodoListsResults *r = [userService GetTodoLists];

    if (r.Err != NULL) {
        NSLog(@"GetTodoLists Err: %@", r.Err);

    if ([r.List count] == 0) {
        NSLog(@"List size is zero.");
    // ...

I did it in ViewController, and store that UserService object into a property of the controller.

Note that it did the initial GetTodoLists call to get the Todo list results from the server and later it use that to assemble it into the view.

Here is the CreateTodo call in the iOS app:

- (IBAction)done:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue

    if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"ReturnInput"]) {
        AddTodoViewController *addController = [segue sourceViewController];
        NSString *newTodoContent = [addController todoContent].text;
        [userService CreateTodo:[self selectedList].Id content:newTodoContent];

an API call is simple as a local method call, don't need to care about transportation, parsing json, assemble them into Objective C object etc. It all done for you by HyperMusk code generator.